Add space to the beginning of an argument.Syntax
addSpace(stringValue, [numlength])
When you want to align the value of the form text box, you can use this function.Examples
The following returns " 123.45". addSpace("123.45", 10); addSpace("123.45");Code
function addSpace(argvalue, numlength) { if (! numlength > 0) numlength = 10; if (argvalue.length < numlength) { for(var i = argvalue.length; i < numlength; i++) argvalue = " " + argvalue; } return argvalue; }
Split the argument string into an array of strings.
customSplit(strValue, separator, strArrayName)Description
Since some of the browsers does not support latest version of javascript, which has split() function. "customSplit" function can be used then.This function will return the length of the array created.
var strvalue = "abc##123##zzz##$$$"; var returnArraySize = customSplit(strvalue, "##", "NewArray"); The above will create the following: NewArray[0] has value "abc" NewArray[1] has value "123" NewArray[2] has value "zzz" NewArray[3] has value "$$$" returnArraySize has value "4"Code
function customSplit(strvalue, separator, arrayName) { var n = 0; if (separator.length != 0) { while (strvalue.indexOf(separator) != -1) { eval("arr"+n+" = strvalue.substring(0, strvalue.indexOf(separator));"); strvalue = strvalue.substring(strvalue.indexOf(separator)+separator.length, strvalue.length+1); n++; } eval("arr" + n + " = strvalue;"); arraySize = n+1; } else { for (var x = 0; x < strvalue.length; x++) { eval("arr"+n+" = \"" + strvalue.substring(x, x+1) + "\";"); n++; } arraySize = n; } eval(arrayName + " = new makeArray(arraySize);"); for (var i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) eval(arrayName + "[" + i + "] = arr" + i + ";"); return arraySize; }
DeleteCookie function
Delete the cookie.
DeleteCookie(cookieName)cookieName is the cookie that you want to delete.
function DeleteCookie(cookiename) { var exp = new Date(); exp.setTime(exp.getTime() - 1); var cookieVal = getCookie(cookiename); if (cookieVal != null) document.cookie = name + "=" + cookieVal + "; expires=" + exp.toGMTString(); return; }
See also
getCookie functions.
formatDecimal function
Print the floating point number with certain decimal point.
formatDecimal(number, boolean, decimal)number is the floating point number which will be formatted.
boolean is used to decide whether add "0" at the end of the floating point number or not.
decimal is how many decimal point you wnat. (Default is 2)
This function will print the floating point number passed in with the decimal point that users need.
formatDecimal("123.2333", true, 2); will return "123.23". formatDecimal("123", true, 2); will return "123.00". formatDecimal("123", false, 2); will return "123". formatDecimal("123.2", true, 2); will return "123.20". formatDecimal("123.2", false, 2); will return "123.2". formatDecimal("123.456", true, 2); will return "123.46". formatDecimal(".235", true, 2); will return "0.24". formatDecimal("0.9999", true, 2); will return "1.00". formatDecimal("0.9999", false, 2); will return "1".Code
function formatDecimal(argvalue, addzero, decimaln) { var numOfDecimal = (decimaln == null) ? 2 : decimaln; var number = 1; number = Math.pow(10, numOfDecimal); argvalue = Math.round(parseFloat(argvalue) * number) / number; // If you're using IE3.x, you will get error with the following line. // argvalue = argvalue.toString(); // It works fine in IE4. argvalue = "" + argvalue; if (argvalue.indexOf(".") == 0) argvalue = "0" + argvalue; if (addzero == true) { if (argvalue.indexOf(".") == -1) argvalue = argvalue + "."; while ((argvalue.indexOf(".") + 1) > (argvalue.length - numOfDecimal)) argvalue = argvalue + "0"; } return argvalue; }
See also
formatCurrency function.
formatValue function
Print a number according to the format specified. Used for currency format.
formatValue(argvalue, format)argvalue is the number which will be formatted.
format is the format of the result.
The number passed in will be formatted according to the format specified by the user. This function is written for formatting a currency number.And formatDecimal function is needed.
formatValue(1223.434, "$##,###.##") will return "$1,223.43" formatValue(1223.43, "$##,###.##") will return "$1,223.43" formatValue(1223., "$##,###.##") will return "$1,223.00" formatValue(1223, "$##,###.##") will return "$1,223.00" formatValue(23., "$##,###.##") will return "$23.00" formatValue(23.3, "$##,###.##") will return "$23.30" formatValue(124343423.3, "$###,###,###.##") will return "$124,343,423.30"Code
function formatValue(argvalue, format) { var numOfDecimal = 0; if (format.indexOf(".") != -1) { numOfDecimal = format.substring(format.indexOf(".") + 1, format.length).length; } argvalue = formatDecimal(argvalue, true, numOfDecimal); argvalueBeforeDot = argvalue.substring(0, argvalue.indexOf(".")); retValue = argvalue.substring(argvalue.indexOf("."), argvalue.length); strBeforeDot = format.substring(0, format.indexOf(".")); for (var n = strBeforeDot.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { oneformatchar = strBeforeDot.substring(n, n + 1); if (oneformatchar == "#") { if (argvalueBeforeDot.length > 0) { argvalueonechar = argvalueBeforeDot.substring(argvalueBeforeDot.length - 1, argvalueBeforeDot.length); retValue = argvalueonechar + retValue; argvalueBeforeDot = argvalueBeforeDot.substring(0, argvalueBeforeDot.length - 1); } } else { if (argvalueBeforeDot.length > 0 || n == 0) retValue = oneformatchar + retValue; } } return retValue; }
See also
formatDecimal function.
GetCookie function
Get the value of a cookie.
GetCookie(CookieName)CookieName is the cookie whose value that you want to get.
If the cookie specified doesn't exist, "null" will be returned.
If the document.cookie contains: USER_ID=abc USER_GP= // variable "userid" has value "abc". var userid = GetCookie("USER_ID"); // variable "usergp" has value "". var usergp = GetCookie("USER_GP"); // variable "userpw" has null value. var userpw = GetCookie("USER_PW");Code
function GetCookie(name) { var arg = name + "="; var alen = arg.length; var clen = document.cookie.length; var i = 0; while (i < clen) { var j = i + alen; if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg) return GetCookieVal(j); i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1; if (i == 0) break; } return null; } function GetCookieVal(offset) { var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); if (("" + endstr) == "" || endstr == -1) endstr = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr)); }
isEmail function
Determine an argument if it is an email address format.
isEmail(testValue)testValue is the value that you want to check.
This function only check if the argument has email address's format, i.e., it will not connect to to check if it is valid. There is not any method to validate an email address except you ask the user to key in their correct email address.It is better you use trim to remove both the leading and the trailing space/s before you pass the value to this function.
The following return "true". isEmail(""); The followings return "false". isEmail("abc"); isEmail("abc@somehost"); isEmail(""); isEmail("");Code
function isEmail(argvalue) { if (argvalue.indexOf(" ") != -1) return false; else if (argvalue.indexOf("@") == -1) return false; else if (argvalue.indexOf("@") == 0) return false; else if (argvalue.indexOf("@") == (argvalue.length-1)) return false; // arrayString = argvalue.split("@"); (works only in netscape3 and above.) var retSize = customSplit(argvalue, "@", "arrayString"); if (arrayString[1].indexOf(".") == -1) return false; else if (arrayString[1].indexOf(".") == 0) return false; else if (arrayString[1].charAt(arrayString[1].length-1) == ".") { return false; } return true; }
isURL function
Determine an argument if it is a URL.
isURL(testValue)testValue is the value that you want to check.
The followings will return "true". isURL(""); isURL(""); isURL(""); isURL(""); isURL(""); isURL(""); isURL(""); The followings will return "false". isURL(""); isURL(""); isURL(""); isURL(""); isURL(""); isURL(""; isURL("http://"); isURL("htp://");Code
function isURL(argvalue) { if (argvalue.indexOf(" ") != -1) return false; else if (argvalue.indexOf("http://") == -1) return false; else if (argvalue == "http://") return false; else if (argvalue.indexOf("http://") > 0) return false; argvalue = argvalue.substring(7, argvalue.length); if (argvalue.indexOf(".") == -1) return false; else if (argvalue.indexOf(".") == 0) return false; else if (argvalue.charAt(argvalue.length - 1) == ".") return false; if (argvalue.indexOf("/") != -1) { argvalue = argvalue.substring(0, argvalue.indexOf("/")); if (argvalue.charAt(argvalue.length - 1) == ".") return false; } if (argvalue.indexOf(":") != -1) { if (argvalue.indexOf(":") == (argvalue.length - 1)) return false; else if (argvalue.charAt(argvalue.indexOf(":") + 1) == ".") return false; argvalue = argvalue.substring(0, argvalue.indexOf(":")); if (argvalue.charAt(argvalue.length - 1) == ".") return false; } return true; }
isW function
Determine an argument if it only contains "word" characters.
isW(testValue)testValue is the value that you want to check.
"Word" characters are alphanumeric plus "_".
The followings will return "true". isW("abc123") isW("ABC123") isW("aBc_123") The followings will return "false". isW("abc 123") isW("@#+=") isW("! Abc")Code
function isW(argvalue) { var onechar = ""; for (var n = 0; n < argvalue.length; n++) { onechar = argvalue.substring(n, n+1); if ((onechar < "0" || onechar > "9") && (onechar < "A" || onechar > "Z") && (onechar < "a" || onechar > "z") && (onechar != "_")) { return false; } } return true; }
ltrim function
Remove the leading space/s of an argument.
ltrim(stringValue)stringValue is the string which the leading space/s will be removed.
The following will return "abc ". ltrim(" abc ") The following will return "a b c ". ltrim(" a b c ")Code
function ltrim(argvalue) { while (1) { if (argvalue.substring(0, 1) != " ") break; argvalue = argvalue.substring(1, argvalue.length); } return argvalue; }
makeArray function
Create an array object.
makeArray(intArraySize)intArraySize is the length of the array created.
Some browser does not support latest javascript which has Array object. This function can be used in those browser.
The following will create an array with 3 in length. newArray = new makeArray(3);Code
function makeArray(IntarrSize) { for (var n = 0; n < IntarrSize; n++) this[n] = ""; return this; }
numCheck function
Determine an argument if it only contains number.
numCheck(testValue)testValue is the value that you want to check.
numCheck function will return true if the argument only contains "0-9".
The followings will return "true". numCheck("1234") numCheck("0123") The followings will return "false". numCheck("abcd") numCheck("a123") numCheck("123a") numCheck("12.3")Code
function numCheck(argvalue) { if (argvalue.length == 0) return false; for (var n = 0; n < argvalue.length; n++) if (argvalue.substring(n, n+1) < "0" || argvalue.substring(n, n+1) > "9") return false; return true; }
ParseCookies function
Parse the cookies data and assign these data to "document.Cookie_cookie_name".
The value of cookie, cookieName, is stored in "document.Cookie_cookieName.value".
If the server returns the following cookie: Set-Cookie: Cookie1=Value1; Cookie2=Value2 After you call the ParseCookies(). parseCookies(); "document.Cookie_Cookie1.value" will contains value "Value1"; "" will contains value "Cookie1"; "document.Cookie_Cookie2.value" will contains value "Value2"; "" will contains value "Cookie2";Code
function ParseCookies() { var cookie_string; var cookie_name; var cookie_value; var tmpcookie = document.cookie; var cookie_count = 0; while (tmpcookie.indexOf("; ") != -1) { cookie_string = tmpcookie.substring(0, tmpcookie.indexOf("; ")); cookie_name = cookie_string.substring(0, cookie_string.indexOf("=")); cookie_value = cookie_string.substring(cookie_string.indexOf("=") + "=".length, cookie_string.length); eval("document.Cookie_" + cookie_name + " = new Cookies(cookie_name, cookie_value);"); tmpcookie = tmpcookie.substring(tmpcookie.indexOf("; ") + "; ".length, tmpcookie.length); cookie_count++; } cookie_name = tmpcookie.substring(0, tmpcookie.indexOf("=")); cookie_value = tmpcookie.substring(tmpcookie.indexOf("=") + "=".length, tmpcookie.length); eval("document.Cookie_" + cookie_name + " = new Cookies(cookie_name, cookie_value);"); cookie_count++; return cookie_count; } function Cookies(argname, argvalue) { = argname; this.value = unescape(argvalue); return this; }
replace function
Substitute a string X to a string Y in an argument.
replace(stringValue, X, Y)stringValue is the string which has all X will be substituted by Y.
This function will replace all the string X to string Y in the argument, it can not change the string X in certain place.
The following will return "abcABCdefgh". replace("abc123defgh", "123", "ABC");Code
function replace(argvalue, x, y) { if ((x == y) || (parseInt(y.indexOf(x)) > -1)) { errmessage = "replace function error: \n"; errmessage += "Second argument and third argument could be the same "; errmessage += "or third argument contains second argument.\n"; errmessage += "This will create an infinite loop as it's replaced globally."; alert(errmessage); return false; } while (argvalue.indexOf(x) != -1) { var leading = argvalue.substring(0, argvalue.indexOf(x)); var trailing = argvalue.substring(argvalue.indexOf(x) + x.length, argvalue.length); argvalue = leading + y + trailing; } return argvalue; }
rtrim function
Remove the trailing space/s of an argument.
rtrim(stringValue)stringValue is the string that you want to remove its trailing space/s.
The following will return "abc". rtrim("abc ") The following will return "a b c". rtrim("a b c ") The following will return " abc". rtrim(" abc ")Code
function rtrim(argvalue) { while (1) { if (argvalue.substring(argvalue.length - 1, argvalue.length) != " ") break; argvalue = argvalue.substring(0, argvalue.length - 1); } return argvalue; }
SetCookie function
Setting new cookie value.
SetCookie(cookiename, cookievalue, expires, path, domain, secure)
To retrieve the cookie's value, try parseCookie function.For more information about cookie, see Netscape's Cookie Specification at
SetCookie("Cookie1", "Value1", null, "/"); SetCookie("Cookie2", "Value2", new Date(), "/"); document.cookie will have value "Cookie1=Value1; Cookie2=Value2".Code
function SetCookie(cookiename, cookievalue) { var argv = SetCookie.arguments; var argc = SetCookie.arguments.length; var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null; var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : null; var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null; var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false; document.cookie = cookiename + "=" + escape(cookievalue) + ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) + ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path )) + ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain )) + ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : ""); return; }
trim function
Remove both the leading and the trailing space/s of an argument.
trim(stringValue)stringValue is the string which the leading and the trailing space/s will be removed.
When you use this function, make sure ltrim and rtrim are inside the same html file too.
The following will return "abc". trim(" abc ") The following will return "a b c". trim(" a b c ")Code
function trim(argvalue) { var tmpstr = ltrim(argvalue); return rtrim(tmpstr); }
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